Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Sharepoint Custom Announcements View

Have you ever Created an Announcement list and seen how badly the Announcements view?

In this Blog post I'll take you through how to create a new DisplayForm for the Announcements page but also how to apply it as the default.

This blog is assuming that you are using Sharepoint Designer 2007 and MOSS 2007


Step 1 )

Load up Sharepoint Designer and Navigate to the Site Collection that your Announcements list resides.
e.g http://yoursite/

Create a New aspx page: 

File > New > Aspx

Step 2)

Click Insert > SharePoint Controls > Custom List Form

Once you have selected the Custom List Form you will be presented with a few options:

Choose Announcements List and their should only be one Content type available which will be 'Announcement'

Select Display item form (used to view list items) as we want to display existing forms & uncheck 'Show standard toolbar'

Once this is completed a new display form is created which you can edit the page to your requirements - I won't be going through this today but will in a later blog post.

Step 3)

Save your Form into the Announcements list folder

e.g yoursite > Lists > Announcements and Save the form as newdispform.aspx

Step 4)

To actually be able to use this new display form you have created you will need to make it the new display default for the list.

To do this step go to the following :

Yoursite> Lists - this will display all the existing lists in your site that is open

Right click on the Announcements List and Click properties this will bring up the List Properties Window

Step 5)

Once the List Properties window is open click the Supporting Files Tab and you will see the following options:

Step 6)
Navigate down to the Display item form option and select browse this will allow you to set the default display form.

Navigate to the newdispform.apx page we created Click OK and were done!
